Siu Nim Tao (First Form)

Siu Nim Tao - First Form

Siu Nim Tao is performed with the student standing in one position and practicing the arm movements of Wing Chun. Once the movements are correct, you will focuses on employing the heightened awareness by infusing your mind into your body and learning to move with thought, rather than physical muscle. This will teach you to generate power that goes far beyond using muscular strength. After gaining this ability you will feel that you are not using any muscle at all, and more to the point, the easiest way to achieve real power is to move this way.

By Sifu Scott Smith – Dragon Tao Kung Fu

By Sifu Scott Smith – Dragon Tao Kung Fu

This is a slower version of the form, with close-ups, that is designed for learning the form and training purposes.

By Sigung Chu Shong Tin